Physiotherapy is a health discipline that offers a non-pharmacological therapeutic alternative that, in many cases, helps alleviate the symptoms of multiple ailments, both acute and chronic.
Although physiotherapists are associated with “massage”, their range of techniques is much broader, thus adapting to the profile of the patient who comes to the clinic, from newborns to the elderly, and ensuring that they can provide a solution to any pathology that the patient presents.
The physiotherapist is a health professional with university training. His/her skills are set out in the Law on the Regulation of Health Professions. The qualification held is the Degree in Physiotherapy (4 years).
As physiotherapists we use all the techniques found in our range of tools, which will be used according to the needs of the pathology presented by the patient, among them we find: manual therapy, dry puncture, electroacupuncture, neuromodulation, myofascial, osteopathy, diathermy, kinesiotaping among many others.

Our professionals are physiotherapists and osteopaths with training in:

Pelvic floor re-education

Lymphatic drainage

Myofascial therapy

Dry puncture


Therapeutic exercise

Pediatric physiotherapy

Temporomandibular physiotherapy

Sports physiotherapy


Infant colic


Regulation of the autonomic nervous system

Percutaneous electrolysis

Post-surgical physiotherapy

Headaches and migraines

Musculoskeletal pain (soreness, sprains, tendonitis, fasciitis...)

Pregnancy and postpartum