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EZMA Comprehensive Health Institute, located in Fuenlabrada



Welcome to EZMA! Here, we transform the health and well-being of our patients through a comprehensive approach that considers every aspect of their lives. We are committed to helping you live fully, because for us, you are the most important thing.


At EZMA, we believe that health is a journey that encompasses body, mind and emotions. Our bio-psycho-social approach allows us to offer you a personalized treatment that adapts to your unique needs because for us the most important thing is the person. We must understand their whole being, take into account their body, thoughts and emotions. The entire team is highly qualified, in addition to being in constant training to fulfill our motto: Your health.

The team

We are dedicated to delivering tangible results. Each treatment is designed to make you feel improvements from the first session, and our team is here to guide you every step of the way.


Alexandra de la Mata Lopez

Physiotherapist from the Rey Juan Carlos University since 2010 and CO Osteopath from the EOM. Specialist in Physiogenomics. Trained in posturology, dry needling, endocrine system, auriculotherapy and neuromuscular bandaging. Expert in integrative SNA. I am looking for the tools that allow me to help my patients feel good.


I work by vocation. After obtaining a university degree in Physiotherapy, I found in Osteopathy training the global approach to the human body that allowed me to address the person in a comprehensive way, understanding the individual as a bio-psycho-social entity. In 2014 I met Itziar Gónzalez de Arriba, I was the first patient, when I saw results, I applied it without thinking about it to my family. Since then I have followed her in her training because I felt that the circle was closing, applied nutrition opened the door for me to work on the body from the inside out, with special emphasis on the visceral system and its repercussions. I keep myself in continuous training in order to understand the complexity of the body.


After finishing my studies, I worked alongside great professionals and teachers, who strengthened my weaknesses, contributing to becoming the professional I am today, when I can call them friends. With their advice, my great project, EZMA, was born in 2019, which I consider my first daughter, seeking to be able to fully develop myself and accommodate all the needs that my patients present.


My own personal experience has been marking the path of what EZMA is today and the team that accompanies me, which has always been willing to learn from me and embrace this work philosophy, which makes me deeply grateful to all those who have joined me on this path, where we accompany each patient, promoting their autonomy.


When I became a mother, I felt that I had to deepen my approach to women. My involvement has become increasingly important in all the processes of women in search of their organic and hormonal balance.


I think it is important for the patient to understand their process and to be actively involved in their recovery. I am passionate about transmitting knowledge. As a professor at the Madrid School of Osteopathy or in the workshops we run at EZMA, I flow in this passion, although of course, where I am most able to resonate is in the consultation, when you understand your process and the solutions we provide.


Getting involved with each of my patients is the driving force of my work, always seeking the best for an optimal recovery, and as fast as possible.


That is my work philosophy, and my way of thinking.


Hello, I am Nélida Álvarez, graduated in Physiotherapy from the UCM in 2001.


I have been working for over 20 years in the prevention and treatment of pathologies from the physiotherapy point of view, promoting therapeutic physical exercise and healthy habits among my patients. Throughout my career, I have trained in rehabilitation pilates, in musculoskeletal, traumatological and rheumatic pathologies, as well as in the treatment of back pain, scoliosis, radiculopathies and other vertebral deformities. I also have training in manual lymphatic drainage (Vodder method), which allows me to offer a complete and personalized approach.


At EZMA, I work individually in consultation, assessing the patient's symptoms and all the circumstances that may influence their condition. I mainly like to use manual therapy and therapeutic exercise treatments, focused on improving neurological and musculoskeletal system injuries. In addition, I apply manual lymphatic drainage techniques and respiratory techniques, always according to the assessment, clinical diagnosis and therapeutic indication.


I am also a rehabilitation pilates instructor and I particularly enjoy working in our gym with small groups of patients. The classes are adapted to the needs of each patient, they are supervised and guided at all times to achieve the desired results, always taking into account the feedback from the patient.
I love my job and my greatest motivation is witnessing the improvement in the quality of life of my patients.


Hi, I'm Flor, receptionist at EZMA.


My main goal is to make sure that your experience at our clinic is as pleasant as possible. I am in charge of coordinating your appointments, reminding you of them, and providing all the information you need so that you feel supported at every step of your care.


I'm here to help you, whether it's answering your questions, managing your documents, or just keeping everything running smoothly. My job is to provide you with friendly, efficient, and personal service, always with the commitment to making your experience excellent.


If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to ask me. I'll be happy to help you and make sure everything goes smoothly.


Hello! I am Nuria, a general health psychologist, specialist in perinatal psychology, parenting and family psychotherapist. I work with parents, couples and individuals, both in the adult and child-adolescent population, and I have more than five years of experience helping people overcome their emotional challenges and find greater well-being in their lives.


My career

Since I was a child, I have always been the person that others, both adults and children, would come to with their problems, and I would try to help them. This natural inclination led me to be drawn to understanding how the human mind works. That curiosity, coupled with my desire to help others, led me to study psychology.


I graduated in Psychology from the Rey Juan Carlos University. I subsequently trained in various psychological areas, specialising in family and couple therapy, as well as perinatal psychology. Currently, I continue to train as part of my therapeutic growth and development.


My therapeutic approach

My approach focuses on creating a safe and welcoming space where you can explore your thoughts and feelings without judgment. I use a methodology that combines different streams of evidence-based psychology, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and systemic emotional family psychotherapy, along with psychological theories such as attachment, trauma, and learning.


The goal is to help you identify the patterns or roles that have directed your relationships and change or resolve them to achieve balance and well-being, generating stable, deep and permanent changes.


For me, connection, empathy, authenticity and collaboration are fundamental in the therapeutic process. My goal is to accompany you on your path towards self-knowledge and personal growth, providing constant support tailored to your individual needs. One of the most rewarding experiences of my life is seeing how my patients manage to transform their lives and achieve their goals.


Specialization in breastfeeding

I am also an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and breastfeeding group advisor. I have received training in mental health and breastfeeding from the European Institute of Perinatal Mental Health.


I combine this training with perinatal and family psychology to support women in their maternity process, from the desire to be a mother to pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and parenting. I also support men in their paternity process, from the desire to be a father, supporting them in the experience of pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and parenting. I support fathers in their parenting process and in the birth of the family unit as an indispensable part of the socio-educational and cultural process.


I am here to accompany you every step of the way towards emotional and family well-being.


¡Hola! Soy Tamara, diplomada en nutrición humana y dietética por la universidad Autónoma de Madrid, especializada en nutrición clínica pediátrica.


Desde aquel 2004 en el que terminé la carrera, sabía que me quería dedicar a la nutrición clínica, pero aún no era consciente de todo lo que podía ayudar a través de la nutrición a pequeños y mayores.


A partir de ese momento, no he parado de formarme en nutrición clínica, alimentación vegetariana, infantil, asesora y experta en lactancia, alergias alimentarias. También me he formado en Isak 1, TCA, diabetes.


Fue el nacimiento de mi hijo el que me ayudó a ver con claridad cuál era realmente mi pasión y a lo que me quería dedicar. Poder ayudar a los pacientes a que mejoren su estilo de vida y por consiguiente su salud, a través de una educación alimentaria que se adapte a sus necesidades y estilo de vida. Enseñar a tener una buena relación con la comida, huyendo de la mentalidad de la dieta centrada en el peso.


¡Encantada de conoceros!


I am Melanie, an occupational therapist at EZMA. Graduated in Occupational Therapy, Master in Motor Neurocontrol, Specialist in Hand Therapy and Pediatric Occupational Therapy.


Specialized training in the field of neurorehabilitation.


I combine my professional activity with patients with teaching postgraduate students.


I love my profession and helping my patients have the greatest autonomy and quality of life possible.


I feel very fortunate to be able to learn so much from my patients in each intervention, as well as from my professional colleagues.


¡Hola! Soy Aída, fisioterapeuta graduada por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.


Mi vocación es ayudar a las personas a moverse sin dolor, recuperarse de lesiones y mejorar su calidad de vida. Me especialicé en fisioterapia deportiva, con formación en pilates, punción seca, vendaje funcional y neuromuscular. He trabajado en clínicas privadas y con equipos de fútbol semiprofesionales, acompañando tanto a deportistas que buscan optimizar su rendimiento como a quienes simplemente desean moverse mejor en su día a día.


Sin embargo, mi pasión por esta profesión va más allá del deporte. Actualmente, me estoy formando en fisioterapia uroginecológica para seguir ampliando mi capacidad de ayuda, especialmente en la salud de la mujer. Creo en un enfoque integral y personalizado, porque cada persona es única y su tratamiento también debe serlo.


Mi objetivo es seguir aprendiendo, creciendo y ofreciendo lo mejor a cada paciente, acompañándolo en su camino hacia el bienestar.


Si necesitas mejorar tu movilidad, recuperarte de una lesión o simplemente sentirte mejor en tu día a día , estaré encantada de ayudarte.


Where we are

Noria Street, 16. Fuenlabrada

Urban bus line 4, with a stop right outside the door.

Urban bus line 6, with a stop 2 minutes walk away.

Metro: Fuenlabrada Central.

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