PHYSIOGENOMICS, a discipline developed by Itziar Gonzalez de Arriba, a specialty that is developed with the aim of improving the pathology inherent to physiotherapy, taking into account how incorrect nutrition affects the entire organism.
It should be noted that a large part of physical problems or pains have their origin in a metabolic problem; for example, a person with a constipation problem will have inflammation in the colon and this inflammation is likely to manifest itself as lower back pain. Like this, multiple examples explain chronic muscle pain, osteoarthritis-type pain, recurrent tendinopathies, etc. Each case should be analyzed individually to arrive at a diagnosis and offer the appropriate treatment. With this idea we want to bring the science that studies genes, nutrition and pathology closer to all types of public, both the public on the street and health professionals.
Always choosing those foods that repair, nourish and balance our system, adjusted to the pathology that each patient presents individually. The chosen treatment will always be focused at first on improving our digestive system, until achieving perfect digestion and bowel movements.
It is a treatment that improves our quality of life, it is learning to eat to obtain benefits from what we put in our mouths, and although anyone can benefit, we usually see in consultation:
- Digestive and intestinal: constipation, diarrhea, allergies-intolerances, hemorrhoids, infections, overactive bladder, intestinal flora imbalances such as SIBO.
- Hormonal: difficulty getting pregnant, polycystic ovary, fibroids, endometriosis, thyroid, premenstrual syndrome, pain during sexual relations, fertility, before pregnancy, during pregnancy and postpartum.
- Muscle discomfort: back, neck, joints, sports injuries…
- Skin disorders: rosacea, dermatitis, acne or psoriasis.
- Immune system disorders: thyroiditis, diabetes, celiac disease, among others.